Photo by Dennis and Diane Ellis

Gina Rowles [left] – Pauline Smith [right] – Rhoto by Richard W. Symonds


Dear Editor

Ifield Mill opened its doors to over 30 walkers last Saturday [‘Ifield Mill and Millpond’, Observer Letters, Aug 17] on what proved to be a very enjoyable visit on a lovely day.

Refreshments were kindly laid on by Gill Cooban [Crawley Museum Trustee and Mill Volunteer], which was much appreciated by those who had walked ‘The Miller’s Trail’ through Ifield Brook Meadows earlier that morning. 

Jo Pettipher [Learning & Liaison Officer for Crawley Museum] and Raymond Smith [Archaeologist and Mill Volunteer] also provided a fascinating guided tour of the Mill for the large group, who appreciated all the work being done by volunteers.

Unfortunately, the great Waterwheel was not working on the day – because of the low water levels – but that is hoped to be remedied at next Sunday afternoon’s Open Day [Aug 28] and the Heritage Day later next month [Sept 11].  

Raymond Smith said: “We now rely even more heavily on visitor donations, so we were delighted to have such a good group who supported us so generously”.

Gill Cooban said: “It was lovely to meet a group who were most interested in the history of the Mill and marvelled at the work done by volunteers to restore and maintain it. They were very kind and generous in their support and what Crawley Museum tries to sustain”.

All those involved in making last Saturday’s event a success look forward to working together on other joint projects in the future.


Yours sincerely


Richard W. Symonds

The Ifield Society