Dear Editor
Homes England’s erection of new ‘Private Land’ signage within the ancient boundary of Ifield Parish – St Margaret’s being the geographical centre – has triggered outrage within the local community. A Mass Trespass is planned for Saturday November 5 – 11am from the Plough.
Richard W. Symonds – The Ifield Society
Homes England’s erection of new ‘Private Land’ signage within the ancient boundary of Ifield Parish – St Margaret’s being the geographical centre – has triggered outrage within the local community.
In addition to ‘The Friendly Dragon Mini-Trespass’ [Saturday October 8th], ‘The Friendly Dragon Mass Trespass’ is now planned for Saturday November 5th – 11am from the Plough.
Homes England have provoked further anger within the community by stating [in addition to the absurd ‘No Smoking’ prohibition]:
“Dogs which are off the lead on a public footpath should be kept under close control by their owner and keeper. Thus, if a dog is allowed to run around off the path TRESPASS IS COMMITTED AGAINST THE LANDOWNER” [the landowner being the government quango Homes England].
Regrettably, but unsurprisingly, most of these easily-detachable new signs erected by Homes England have been taken down by a person [or persons] unknown. It is regrettable, not just because the disappearance of these ridiculous [illegal?] ‘Private Land’ signs will leave no evidence they were there in the first place, but because the state landowner can accuse those within the local community of causing [criminal/malicious?] ‘damage’ – and thus use this as a pretext to bully the community even more than they have done so in the past.
Homes England’s bullying abuse of power is simply a democratic planning disgrace, not least because they have yet to be granted planning permission by Horsham District Council for the West of Ifield site [SA101].
As a government quango, paid for by us the taxpayer, Homes England has proved itself not fit for purpose; their being responsible for the stewardship of public land – our land.
Richard W. Symonds – The Ifield Society
“THE FRIENDLY DRAGON OF IFIELD BROOK MEADOWS” – A Short Story for Children of All Ages
“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us”
Matthew 6 v 12