3 Reasons Why HDC’s West of Ifield Vote on December 11 2023 could be declared invalid:

1. W.G. Hoskins, in his book ‘The Making of the English Landscape’, suggests place names ending in ‘-field’ [Ifield & Broadfield – Ed] are linked to Roman settlements – Hat-tip: Ian Mulcahy

2. Letter from Historic England to HDC – 27 October 2020.

3. Specialist Archaelogocal Advice’. Letter from Essex County Council/Place Services to HDC – 2 November 2020:
“The geophysical survey and previous fieldwork both in and adjacent to the site has established the presence of archaeological remains including a probable large settlement site spanning the period between the Late Bronze Age and the later Roman period, as well as a number of other possible prehistoric/Roman enclosures. It can be anticipated that this will be accompanied by burials on the edges of the settlement, the date of which is as yet unknown. There is also the earthwork remains of a circular mound, the date of which is as yet unknown, although interpretations of a barrow, small motte, and windmill mound have all been suggested”.

Was this brought to the full attention of HDC’s Full Council on Dec 11?

If not, a powerful case can be made the rushed vote is invalid as the councillors did not have sufficient facts to make an informed decision on the “Not Currently Developable” West of Ifield site.