Ifield Village Conservation Area Advisory Committee
IVCAAC – iva.ivcaac@gmail.com
15th February 2024
Dear Resident
Building West of Ifield – URGENT
Over the last few years, you will have heard about proposals to build on the fields of Ifield Court Farm and on Ifield Golf course. You may even have given up thinking about it as nothing seems to have happened! The proposal is, however, in Horsham’s draft local plan 2023-2040. And the plan is out for consultation – with the closing date on 1 March 2024.
We have organised a meeting to help people understand what is proposed and how to respond to the consultation. The meeting is at:
Ifield Drive Community Centre [over the road from the Co-op]
7.30 pm – 9.00 pm
This Monday 19th February 2024
Apologies for the short notice. The Save West of Ifield campaign has a strong on-line presence. We realised recently, however, that this was not reaching everyone who might want to have their say. Hence this hand delivery. Do tell others about it.
If you are on-line, the campaign website is: https://www.savewestofifield.co.uk/
* What will the development look like? Imagine taking the footpath from the back of [St Margaret’s] churchyard, down to Ifield Brook, crossing the brook [at the bridge] and then finding yourself in a housing estate that stretches all the way [westwards]to Pound Cottages…there is more…
Best wishes
Jenny Frost
For those who don’t know me, I lived in Ifield for nearly 50 years and have been involved with Ifield Village Conservation Area [IVCAAC] for over 25 of them. I moved recently to Horsham when I downsized – but still feel at home in Ifield and am passionate to maintain the quality of the conservation area.
* “What will the development look like? Imagine talking the footpath from the back of the churchyard, down to Ifield Brook, crossing the brook and then finding yourself in a housing estate that stretches all the way to Pound Cottages…there is more…” – Jenny Frost
“The Walk tomorrow (Saturday 17th) will go exactly there – 11am from the Plough in Ifield Village (return by 1pm). All welcome – including dogs” – Richard W. Symonds