There was just the Victorian Manor house and outbuildings. The bank in front was a sea of golden daffodils.
The doorknob came off in Dad’s hand when he tried to open it and we all shouted “April Fool!!!”
The house was pretty decrepit, with burst pipes, toads in the cellar, bats in the attic – and such fun for us 4 children!
That night we all bedded down on mattresses in the biggest front bedroom – including Grandma, Judy our Labrador and Snowball the cat.
Mum and Dad were looking forward to putting the house to rights and finding a Management Committee among other local Quakers.
The great adventure had begun!
Margaret Graham – April 1 2020
April 1 2024
Richard W. Symonds asked: “Was the Charity run by the Quakers?”
Margaret Graham answered: “it was a charity founded by my parents, who happened to be Quakers, using their life savings as an ‘interest free loan’ (never reclaimed of course). It was run by my parents and a Management Committee.
It wasn’t a Quaker home as such, but had a lot of support from Quakers both locally and nationally.
After his death the Council named Goodwin Close, Bewbush, after Dad in honour of his work for the Elderly community, and for peace.